What people are saying…


“Julia is the definition of grace, she makes me want to be a better person in my work and beyond. She is so compassionate, considerate, and intentional with her words.”

— Hailey F.

“She’s a breath of fresh air you didn’t even realize you needed.”

— Heather F.

“Deeply grateful for your sweet softness & quiet strength. You are a pillar of love, light, and pureness. Inspiring on many levels.”

— Monica

“I felt called to work with Julia as I was moving out of a difficult time and was drawn to her holistic approach and emotional intelligence. She’s a soul nurturer, the way a master gardener knows just the right amount of sunshine and nutrients, Julia steps in with her heartfelt wisdom to help others blossom where they are. She offered personalized yoga practices, encouragement with personal goals and most of all loving acceptance and spiritual empowerment. She’s the first person that really got me saying “I love myself” three little words that will change your life. And so will she.” 

— Jayasri

“I am so grateful to have walked this journey with you. Thank you for your encouragement through this process & holding space for me. You are such a beautiful and gentle soul. Thank you for being a light.”

— Claudia

“Thank you for your presence, energy, calmness and wisdom. It’s in the quietness we can hear best.”

— Juma

“Ever-steady and thoughtful, you are such a pure light. You have a deep and profound perspective on the world, and every time you share it, my heart fills up with so much vibrant light.”

— Jillian S.

“I love your calm, beautiful, loving presence; it’s so calming and reassuring. Somehow, you remind me of a Native American saying ‘walk in beauty’ and I believe you do.”

— Francene L.

“Julia is a treasure in every sense of the word. Every day I strive to open my heart as wide as yours and be as considerate of everyone as you are. You’re an inspiration and a role model.”

— Mandy S.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
—Leonard Cohen