Hello beautiful one,

Welcome! I’m Julia.

I help people to uncover their incredible gifts and true nature - both of which are so important to the world, healing our Earth, and restoring the health of the beings living on it. 

In a beautiful way, our personal journey, transformation and healing contributes to a larger global process of learning to live in more harmony with each other and the planet.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Krishnamurti

Perhaps you’ve always felt different somehow from most people around you. There are many injustices, abuses, and imbalances in our world today. There is nothing wrong with you for feeling and sensing that something’s off. There is something very right with you. You are a leader, and you’re here to help us heal what’s hurting in our world so we can grow healthier together, surviving and thriving as a species. Your deep feelings are a gift to us all.

Reminding people of what’s special and beautiful about them, if they’ve forgotten or not been told, is my favourite thing. It’s time we start seeing our own gifts and their incredible value, because they’re so needed in the world.

I use the holistic therapies I’ve integrated over 15+ years of study, including nutrition, herbalism, yoga, meditation, dance, sound, and energy medicine as instruments for personal transformation & healing.

I help clients to achieve self-love, realize personal goals & dreams, and find joy in living. Ups, downs, and all. My role is to be a kind and gentle guide for personal growth.

Why did you create Wild Rose Sanctuary?

I started Wild Rose Sanctuary during the pandemic to help people reconnect to the nurturing, healing power of nature. After quitting a job that was no longer aligned with me, I was also needing to slow down and reconnect with myself by spending more time in nature. After a handful of exhausting but fulfilling years tending my own CSA garden, I had been working extremely long hours sitting on a computer and was desperately longing to be back outside with the elements more.

During a time when so many of us were told to stay inside and at home as much as possible, I felt so lucky to have access to the wide open spaces of the coutryside, as a farm girl through and through. This was a true respite and soul-nourishing place for me, and I wanted to share it with others — particularly those living in crowded cities — who couldn’t so easily just “go to the farm.”

I began renting out my cherished bell tent and had lots of fun furnishing it beautifully with antique decor. The following year, I built a small cabin with my dear Dad, and began renting it out as soon as I could as well.

It’s been so wonderful to see how many people are longing for more time in nature and simple getaways to recharge in this healing environment. I offer farm-fresh meals sourced from local farms to my guests, and love providing the opportunity for them receive whatever they may need from their time on the farm — whether it’s peace & quiet, stress relief, a pet-friendly vacation, or a place to disconnect from the overwhelming buzz of devices while reconnecting to nature’s slower, healing rhythms and their own inner wisdom.

What is your philosophy/approach?
I believe in self-healing. I believe that when more of us learn to heal ourselves in a natural way (whether it be with food, herbal medicine, yoga, breathwork, meditation, movement, time spent connecting in nature, or any combination of modalities that resonate), we are contributing to collective healing and bringing the Earth back into harmony. Learning to love and care for ourselves well, we also help to love everyone and every living thing.

By honouring more gentle, yin, feminine energies and nature’s wisdom cycles, we create harmony and sustainability, within and without.

What is your education/experience?

I grew up in Avonbank, Ontario as part of a long line of dairy and grain farmers.  Eventually leaving the country for the big city, I graduated from McMaster University in Hamilton with Honours in Communications and Cultural Studies. This time strongly established my love for the written word, and I continue to write through every stage of my journey.

After graduating, I decided to refocus on my lifelong love of food - by jumping into the artisan baking world and learning about life as a baker.  I also interned with organic farms and gardens in the Hamilton area, learning the intricacies and importance of growing food in a way that is most sustainable and nourishing for both the Earth and people.

I later attended the Institute for Culinary Nutrition in Toronto and set out on my own as an entrepreneur, establishing Gratitude Food to share my passion for healthy nourishment and wellness coaching with others.  I also built a small organic vegetable garden and ran a CSA farm share for families in the St.Marys/Stratford area for 5 years. 

I deepened my study of herbal plant medicine with the Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education in Vermont to help myself and others find their natural balance when encountering mental, emotional, and physical challenges. 

As a Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor and Yoga Nidrā Teacher, I incorporate yogic teachings and traditions into everything I offer, instilling the quality of mindfulness I find so transformative to us individually and collectively.

I am also a Certified Coach, and in training as a NeuroEmotional Coach at the Center for Emotional Education. I love supporting people individually to reach their highest creative potential and well-being using my intuitive gifts to help them move through any blocks.

For 6 years, I worked as part of the ground-breaking global B-School team, helping thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to create the business and life of their dreams. I feel incredibly grateful and humbled to have had the opportunity to share my talents in a way that contributes to positive, empowering change from the individual to the global level and am excited to continue this unfolding journey of service through empowering others.

Are you currently accepting new clients?

Yes! With limited availability. Find more details about upcoming personal coaching openings here. Please contact me directly here to introduce yourself and schedule a short complimentary call, to see if we’d be a good fit for working together.

How do I keep up to date about your current events and offerings? 
Subscribe to Mother Nature’s Journal! I send out regular love notes, practices, and updates there.

Thank you for visiting Wild Rose Sanctuary! I adore welcoming people into nourishing, sacred, beautiful spaces, so it’s an honour to have you here and I hope you’ll return often to feed your soul.

Sending you so much love,


Exploring layers of myself on yoga retreat in the magical South of France.

Exploring layers of myself on yoga retreat in the magical South of France.